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Need Help Keeping Track of Your Rocks, Minerals & Crystals?

Our inspired manifestation ritual boxes may contain a variety of rocks, minerals, and/or crystals. This reference page will help you identify each one as you continue to harness the energetic properties as you ILLUMINATE and TRANSFORM your life!

Moon-Shaped Flower Agate

Moon-Shaped Flower Agate

Flower Agate, the stone of transformation, will help move you through life with courage: manifesting your potential, laying the foundation of personal growth, and finding your purpose. This stone inspires us to pursue our dreams and to live life spontaneously and with joy. Its softly curved crescent moon shape brings loving and nurturing energy to your transformation.

Fire Agate

Fire Agate

Fire Agate represents the fire realm and that which vitalizes you. Your fiery spark is nourished, expanded, and electrified in this realm. It represents the element of fire.

Gorgonzola Agate

Gorgonzola Agate

Gorgonzola Agate is a grounding stone that stabilizes and centers your spirit enhancing emotional clarity. It supports you in facing inner truths, transforming uncertainty into strength and renewal.

Grape Agate

Grape Agate

Grape Agate promotes peace and protection with its fire energy. It protects your aura and brings balancing energy to your mind and emotions. This crystal improves the connection between the Third Eye Chakra and Crown Chakra allowing messages from the Universe to freely flow to your Higher Self.



Amazonite aligns the physical body to the etheric, a place containing all of time. Its soothing effect on the brain and nervous system helps you filter information and combine it with your natural intuition to enhance understanding.

Amethyst Merkaba

Amethyst Merkaba

A symbol of spiritual connection and protection, Amethyst enhances intuition, clears negativity, and promotes inner peace. The Merkaba shape aligns energy, uniting mind, body, and spirit in harmony.



Ametrine is believed to harmonize the energies of amethyst and citrine making it a powerful stone for balancing the mind, body, and spirit. It promotes mental clarity, creativity, and spiritual growth while also enhancing motivation and confidence.

Apache Tear

Apache Tear

Apache Tear bring opportunities for positive change into view, giving a sense of peace and hope to dire circumstances. Apache Tear is aligned with Saturn's energy. Earth, Saturn, and the Moon together create peace.



Aragonite enhances sensitivity and aligns you with Love. It helps you to express yourself through words, art, music, and other forms of communication while revealing what inner healing is needed. It helps expose the root cause of an issue and allows you to release emotional attachments.

Red Aventurine

Red Aventurine

Red Aventurine calls you into action - determined, fearless, and confident - as you pursue your life purpose. This crystal inspires and motivates you while balancing confidence and humility within you.

Azurite Malachite

Azurite Malachite

Azurite and Malachite together align the chakras with the pineal and pituitary gland while connecting you to your higher self. It allows subconscious thoughts, beliefs, and patterns to surface so they can be examined, released, and healed. It clears, renews, and raises consciousness.



Beryl connects you to the internal truth that guides you so that you can find the answers that you seek. It connects the spiritual and material worlds, promoting wisdom and courage so that you can boldly move forward on your life journey.

Clear Calcite

Clear Calcite

Clear Calcite provides a bridge so that you can easily access your higher consciousness. It amplifies and cleanses the energy around you. Its grounding effect will help bring joy and lightheartedness to your life. Clear Calcite removes energetic blocks and cleanses the entire Chakra system and aura.

Honey Calcite

Honey Calcite

Honey Calcite is a powerful spiritual cleanser that will amplify your personal self-worth and personal power. Its energy increases your clarity, inspiration, and vitality creating space for you to be brave, to speak up, and to be courageous when overcoming obstacles. Honey calcite also reminds you how sweet it is to lean into your intuition.



Carnelian, known as the soul stirrer, is ever ready to cleanse and re-invigorate your strength with the promise of something new, bringing hope and peace into your life. Carnelian is aligned with the Earth’s energy. Earth, Saturn, and the Moon together create peace.

Cassiterite (Tin Quartz)

Cassiterite (Tin Quartz)

Cassiterite gives hope and ensures the past is released and set free, while the future is certain and manifested. This force of nature connects with the metal element and can shift the consciousness of you, the individual, and people, collectively.

Pink Chalcedony

Pink Chalcedony

Pink Chalcedony soothes and renews, opening your heart to embrace new beginnings with gentleness. It encourages self-compassion and reassurance, helping you to release past sorrows and make space for the clarity ahead.



Chrysoprase helps to make conscious what was unconscious. It strengthens the workings of insight and higher consciousness. It promotes growth, love, and forgiveness for yourself and others.



Citrine is a stone of manifestation helping to manifest abundance in many ways. It dissipates and clears negative energies. It is a powerful amplifier of energies connected with personal empowerment and alignment with your soul’s purpose.

Natural Citrine

Natural Citrine

Natural Citrine energizes every level of life. It cleanses the chakras and opens the intuition. ​Citrine promotes inner calm so that wisdom can emerge. It helps in understanding information, analyzing situations and steering them in a positive direction.



Creedite is a powerful guardian crystal that allows you to increase your vibration to align with higher frequencies. It helps you to access ancient knowledge that has been long forgotten. A stone of wisdom, Creedite assists you with connecting to your Higher Self and to Universal consciousness.



Hematite is a powerful aid to improve self-confidence, willpower, and self-esteem. In this ceremony’s altar configuration, the Hematite provides the grounded, stabilized energy needed to manifest your transformation into reality on this earth plane.



Iolite opens your mind, body, and spirit connections. It uses water energy to help you create a space that is still and peaceful, allowing you to receive guidance from higher vibrational realms and beings. It will aid you in sharpening your inner vision and strengthening your intuition.



Jade signifies wisdom gathered in tranquility, dispelling the negative and encouraging one to see their true self. It balances and harmonizes the Heart Chakra, aiding emotional and physical well-being.

Purple Jade

Purple Jade

Purple Jade enhances your appreciation of the Divine order of all things. It is excellent for purifying the aura and dispelling negative attitudes and any self-imposed limitations holding you back from the joys of life.

Kambaba Jasper

Kambaba Jasper

Kambaba Jasper is a stone of peace and tranquility. It's slow, steady frequency expands one’s ability to focus and is a remarkable aid in meditation, granting the release of negative thoughts and feelings.



Jet connects us to the wisdom of the Earth helping you move from darkness to light while uplifting your spirit, soul, mind, and body. It will help you break free from beliefs and thought patterns.



The K2 stone is associated with bringing balance and harmony to all aspects of life. It is believed to align the chakras promoting a sense of overall well-being and inner peace bringing you to a place of rest. The combination of Granite and Azurite creates a sense of loving, compassionate stability.



Kunzie allows the path between your heart and mind to be clear and open to divine light and guidance while restoring harmony between the two. Kunzite is an incredible cleanser of negative energy, leaving you with a feeling of safety as you nurture your spiritual growth.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli will help you be clear and focused, ready to hear guidance from the higher realms. It is known as the “Wisdom Stone” as it was thought to hold the wisdom of the universe. Its connection to your third eye chakra will provide expansion and openness to this wisdom.

Lava Stone

Lava Stone

The power of earth and fire come together in the Lava Stone to provide strength and stability in times of change. It often helps to dissipate anger while providing guidance and understanding. Its earth energy helps you to ground and center yourself. The fire energy gives strength and courage during times of transformation.

Mano De Lion Shell

Mano De Lion Shell

A symbol of resilience and protection, this shell nurtures courage as you confront hidden aspects of yourself. Its energy fosters calm strength and inner balance, aligning you with the truth and clarity of your path.



This crystal promotes inner clarity, cyclical change, and a connection to feminine qualities, including balance, gentleness, and intuition. Ancient Romans believed Moonstone was a shard of solid moonlight, a symbol of light and hope, encouraging one to embrace wisdom and new beginnings.

Golden Sheen Obsidian

Golden Sheen Obsidian

Golden Sheen Obsidian is used to balance your energy fields. When used in meditation it becomes a tool for self-reflection, internal growth, and self-understanding. Its golden sheen provides a state of reflection for you to evaluate recurring patterns in your life so that you may release your ego’s attachment to them.

Black Onyx

Black Onyx

Black Onyx aids you in the development of emotional and physical strength. It helps to ground your body, mind, and spirit. Black Onyx is a powerful stone of protection that absorbs and transforms negative energy.

Peach Morganite

Peach Morganite

Peach Morganite assists you in connecting to the energy of divine love. It helps open up and cleanse your heart space by allowing you to recognize negative emotional patterns. It helps you garner the courage and confidence needed to face what lies within your soul and heal.

Moss Agate

Moss Agate

Moss Agate is a stone of new beginnings. It refreshes the soul and enables you to see beauty in all you behold. Moss Agate inspires new ideals after periods of stagnation.

Mount Shasta Opal

Mount Shasta Opal

Mt. Shasta is one of the energy centers of the earth and serves as a powerful earth element. This crystal is excellent to use in spiritual work including helping to create peaceful feelings during prayer or meditation.

Peridot (Raw)

Peridot (Raw)

Peridot is known as the stone of compassion, bringing good health, restful sleep, and peace to relationships by balancing emotions and the mind. It attracts love and calms anger by giving renewal to all things.



Petalite is a high-vibration crystal that will increase your vibration and activate all the energy centers of your body. It helps you to transition to a consciousness-centered state of being, helping you maintain a higher state of awareness.

Petrified Wood

Petrified Wood

Petrified Wood reminds you to embrace change, but it keeps you grounded to smoothly transition through the necessary changes. It is the stone of transformation assisting you to release all that no longer serves you.



Prehnite promotes communication with other planes of existence. It can help you uncover and heal those things that you fear. It creates balance in all areas of your life: spiritual, mental, emotional, and beyond. This crystal’s energetic signature will guide you to deeper paths of spiritual understanding.



Purpurite has a harmonizing effect between your crown and third eye chakras, harmonizing your mind and emotions with your higher self. Additionally, this crystal increases spiritual awareness and serves as an amplifier to your intuition.

Champagne Aura Quartz

Champagne Aura Quartz

Champagne Aura Quartz connects your mind and body with your spirit creating a clear pathway to accessing your higher self. This connection makes your higher spiritual perspective grounded in your physical reality.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz

Known as the Master Healer, Clear Quartz is a powerful healing and energy-amplifying crystal. Work with it to access inner awareness as well as sacred and collective wisdom. It naturally amplifies the energies of other crystals and intentions.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz allows you to connect with yourself with loving reflection that is full of grace. During this ceremony these crystals will aid you in releasing and transmuting the beliefs, thoughts and experiences that minimize your confidence.

Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz is known for amplifying energy, manifesting intentions, and connecting to higher realms. With golden threads of rutile running through it, this stone aids you in spiritual awakening, clarity of thought, and removing blockages. It promotes deep healing, insight, and personal transformation.

Satyaloka Quartz

Satyaloka Quartz

Satyaloka Quartz purifies your aura and aligns your chakras allowing you to achieve greater personal growth and inner peace. This triad of quartz crystals forms your connection to the spiritual realm paving the way to enlightenment.

Shaman Quartz

Shaman Quartz

Shaman Quartz increases spiritual communication while simultaneously grounding and healing in conjunction with the Earth. This crystal offers a view into another world, to expand your perspective and deepen your understanding. Gazing into this stone is said to bring about a cosmic shift of consciousness.



Rhodonite is a true stone of love and compassion that can assist you on your journey of self-work and inner healing. It resonates unconditional love. It helps you clear away emotional wounds and scars from the past, and that nurtures love.

Orange Selenite

Orange Selenite

Orange Selenite represents the heavenly realm and your connection to higher consciousness and the Divine. When combined with Laguz, the Divine connects to the earth realm and pours out its abundance. It represents the element of salt.



Sunstone is a powerful enlightenment ally that can help you find your way in life while increasing your feelings of self-worth. It helps you to have the courage to reclaim your energy while strengthening your intuition and wisdom.

Tiger Iron

Tiger Iron

Tiger Iron is a stone of protection and clarity, enabling one to see the truth below the apparent surface of issues. It is used to bring strength, vitality, confidence, willpower, and balance.

Tigers Eye

Tigers Eye

Tigers Eye allows you to recognize areas objectively, unclouded by emotions, that need healing and forgiveness. It can reveal your true needs without a self-serving or rigid mental attitude getting in the way.

Red Tigers Eye

Red Tigers Eye

Red Tigers Eye is helpful in boosting inner courage and strength, increasing personal power, and improving decision-making while reducing fear. Associated with the root chakra, it stimulates motivation and courageous passion for healing one’s self-esteem and self-confidence.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline

The Black Tourmaline in this ritual will form a protective triangle within your crystal grid. It signifies the protection surrounding you as you explore your connection to higher realms and states of consciousness.

Trolleite Heart

Trolleite Heart

Trolleite aids you in strengthening your connection to your Higher Self and beings of Light on this healing journey. Trolleite is the stone of past life recall helping you create a bridge to understanding your past and present circumstances.

Watermelon Tourmaline

Watermelon Tourmaline

Pink and green found within the Watermelon Tourmaline symbolize the duality found within your soul--potential energy contained in two polarized extremes. When, in your life, these opposites are harmonized, you will find strength, purpose, and balance in your life.



The vibrations of Turquoise bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. This stone brings peace and sincere communication while helping you stay grounded. Turquoise is aligned with the Moon's energy. Earth, Saturn, and the Moon together create peace.



Unakite will assist you in connecting your lower and higher chakras. It is a stone of visions and will assist you in clearing blockages. It is a stone of balance, grounding the self while bringing emotions and spirituality together.

Red Zircon

Red Zircon

Zircon aids in meditation and in developing psychic intuition; it is said to clear negative energy and has a protective aura. Zircon is attributed to attracting wisdom, success, honor, and wealth.

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